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Monday, April 11, 2011

postheadericon Cakes with Bling!

Continuing with our bling about some BEAUTIFUL cakes?
I love the wedding cake.  It can be the "wow" factor in your reception room.  Everyone always loves to go up and see the details.  Plus, remember you take lots of photos with this lovely cake so don't forget to tie it into your color scheme.  Here are some bling cakes:
 I love how this one is understated yet still shows the "pop"

 This one is all about the bling yet the smooth fondant gives it the simplicity.

 Personally, this is my favorite, I think it has just the right combination of crystals and ribbon details to tie into the color scheme.


Lastly, this wins for creativity!  The words are written with crystals and has a gorgeous cake stand that drips with crystal strands.